
Our clients are ambitious, growth-oriented and specialists in their field – just like us. As a growing law firm, MKM+PARTNER is focused on providing consultancy on any legal challenges to companies of all sizes. Our clients choose us because we understand their business and develop solutions together with them. The legal requirements are constantly changing, just like the world we live in. With our understanding and our experience, we are one step ahead of the challenges in order to enable our clients to do the same.

Our location in Nuremberg

MKM+PARTNER is rooted in the Nuremberg metropolitan region and operates for clients throughout Germany. The main sectors are automotive, pharmaceuticals, medicine, industry and construction. The law firm is a member of the German Society for Law and Informatics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V.) and is involved there in various expert committees.

You can find us here:

Äußere Sulzbacher Straße 124a
90491 Nürnberg
Telephone: +49.911.669577-0
Fax: +49.911.669577-66
E-mail: info@mkm-partner.de
Web: www.mkm-partner.de

Our location in Berlin

Many of our clients, especially in the area of data protection, are based in the north of Germany. With its branch office in Berlin, MKM+PARTNER is here for you as your local contact as well. Our extensive experience gained in Nürnberg can also be found in Berlin. The focus of the consultancy in the capital is on data protection law. However, we are also happy to provide consultancy in other legal questions concerning commercial law.

You can find us here:

MKM + PARTNER Rechtsanwälte
Leipziger Platz 9
10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 25765068-81
Fax: +49 30 25765068-99
Mail: info@mkm-partner.de

We take time for our clients to develop tailor-made solutions and use our internal network as well as the opportunity to call in external experts to achieve the best possible result.